Fri, 17 July 2015
In this interview, Fred & Bobbie Becker talk all about the ins and outs of performing on cruise ships. They talk about the good, the bad, the unexpected, what sort of shows work on ships, promo videos, and on and on! Together Fred and Bobbie have 45 years of combined performing experience and spend their time performing on cruise ships! They also have a program for entertainers called Gigs on Ships where they teach the ins and outs of performing on cruise ships.
Sponsors:Click Convert Profit — This episode is brought to you by Josh London's Click Convert Profit and his book Flying Solo, the Smart Solopreneur’s Guide to Making Money Online. Click here to get $10 off and for my listeners only, the free ebook "4 Ways to Find Your Most Profitable Keywords.”
Kris' Recommendation of the WeekMagician Business Podcast and Kids Entertainer Podcast Ken Kelly and Julian Mather are doing a smashing job over there at Magician Business cranking out wonderful podcasts and super helpful content for those who want to make a living performing. They're a great neighbor resource and you should definitely give them more than a glance. Magician Business Website | Podcast Kids Entertainer Hub | Podcast
Success QuotesFrom Fred: Anything worth doing is worth doing right! Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon…must inevitably come to pass! — Paul J. Meyer From Bobbie: I don't want you to ever look back at your life and have any regrets. — Bobbie's Dad
Gigs on Ships!• What sort of shows are they looking for? • You need to be good with a very diverse crowd. You need to be comfortable with people from all walks of life. • You need at least a 50 minute act. Fred and Bobbie have two 45's and a 30 minute magic class. • You live with your audience. • You have to be "people people." It's all about relationships. • You need a demo reel that's specific to the cruise ship market. The agent needs to "see you on their stage." • Your demo reel also needs to sell you as a person too. Tug at the heartstrings. • Don't do your reel in the same order as your show. Lead with your strongest piece. • Figure out what sets you apart and capitalize on that. • Working with agents vs. the cruise director. • Pros:you get to work in the best, most equipped theaters in the world, no overhead expenses, you only work a couple nights per week, it's a dream lifestyle. • Cons: You're stuck on the ship, you can't just pick up and go somewhere. You miss family events like holidays and funerals. Since you share bunks, if you're in a couple's relationship and have a fight, there's nowhere for you to go. • How to keep things in order at home on land while you're away at sea.
Their Online Course on Cruise Ship GigsGigs on Ships is a 9-week course where Fred and Bobbie literally open up their business to help those who want to land a cruise ship gig. It has three modules: Learn more at
Other Topics Covered• Talks about fear standing in your way. • Taking risks. • Some interesting storied from each of their lives that helped shape their careers. • Not letting failures beat you up.
Parting AdviceDon't let fear hold you back! Step out of your comfort zone. Pick up 6 more pieces of parting advice by signing up for Fred & Bobbie's newsletter at
Recommended books and resources:Note: Many of the links in this section are affiliate links, meaning we earn a small portion of any sales. If you're enjoying our podcast and decide to purchase one of the recommended resources or books, please consider using our affiliate links to help support the work we're doing here at the Successful Performercast. Thanks! Resources: Having a notebook to write things down in.
Books: Maximum Entertinament by Ken Weber Fitzkee Trilogy by Dariel Fitzkee | Ebooks Magic & Showmanship by Henning Nelms
Where can we find Fred & Bobbie Becker?
Direct download: SPC_070_Fred_Bobbie_Becker_-_Cruise_Ship_Gigs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am PST |