Fri, 2 October 2015
In the second half of this series, Josh London goes in-depth on how to setup a Google Adwords campaign, what to have on your landing page, and specific strategies to help you get results from your internet marketing efforts.
Google Adwords Overview• This is the main platform to do paid advertising. • Differences between ads and organic search listings. • Have your website in order first. • Advantages of using paid traffic vs organic traffic.
Settings for Google Adwords• Creating a campaign, and which type of campaign to use. • Start small, then expand your search parameters. • Choosing networks to display your ads on. • Choosing geographical locations and using it’s advanced features. • Setting up your bid strategy. • Setting up your daily budget. (Generally between $10–20 per day) • Delivery method. • Wading through advanced settings.
Creating the Ad• Knowing your target audience and taking that into account. • Know your end goal and work backwards. • Look at your competition and do something that stands out. Something different and unique. • for ideas. • Make sure it matches your landing page. • Headlines and description lines. • Split testing ads.
Keywords• Start with Google’s planner tool, but know that you’ll have to do a lot of tinkering. • Types of keywords: broad match, phrase match, and exact match. • Negative keywords. • Let data drive your decisions. • Longtail Pro is a good service to help you with picking keywords. • Keep in mind: Everything is setup for Google to make money. • How to tweak and adjust things as you have your ad running. • Tips to finding keywords you should use. Landing Pages• What should your landing page have? • It should complete your goal. • Call to Action • Have an opt-in incentive to get them to give you their email address. Something like a price sheet. This is often more effective than a contact form. • Mailchimp is a great service to use for this. • Everything needs to line up from the landing page, to the ad, to the search terms they originally used to see your ad. • Make it as easy as possible for your client to get in touch with you and get your prices. • Begin to build a relationship with your prospect. • Building your list is the best way for you to make sales online. • Create dedicated landing pages for each ad group that you have. • Don’t have ads point to your home page. • Unbounce and Lead Pages help you to split test your landing pages. • Your landing page is the most important part of your online marketing campaign because, that’s where the conversions are made.
Where can we find Josh London?
Direct download: SPC_081_Josh_London_-_Internet_Marketing_Part_2.mp3
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